Nerves of Steel

How many things can a woman be? How many things can a woman endure?
how many things can a woman do?
A woman is not a thing, she is mighty…..

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What is a woman, what are her needs

Certainly not scrubbing down on her knees

She is flesh and bone, body and soul

A mind full of ideas, working on  goals

She flicks with her hips

And stretches her view

Sees what’s inside and outside of you

She arches her back, and senses her breasts

Are taking your focus and all the rest

She’s courage and wisdom rolled into one

She’ll keep on surviving, long after you’ve gone

She’s gentle and kind, but her will is so strong

Do not be fooled, don’t get it wrong

She is not so weak as a delicate flower

Her scent is like nectar you want to devour

She gives what she can, again and again

Endurance, resistance to insatiable pain

Up she will rise with her nerves of steel

You can’t take away what you think she should feel

She’s sexy, she’s confident, she’s a sexual being

Make sure you are ready, if not, get fleeing

She’ll look for a man that can handle her will

Tell me now sir, do you fit the bill?

Author: itsjustnoteasy

Hi, I am a young at heart middle aged woman, navigating life , love and hardships like you.... I love to write, about anything and everything. I like to also write poetry. I love people , people watching, travelling, exploring and learning. Having enjoyed empty nest for a couple of years, it's time to get more selfish, more relaxed, more adventurous as I slide into my next decade... Looking forward to see what each new day brings...