Don’t tell me…

Don’t tell me how to feel, when I have no idea what I am feeling

Don’t try to unravel me when I am coiled up in knots but manage to bob along

Don’t tell me I should get up when all I want to do is sleep

Don’t tell me to rest when I can’t sit still

Don’t tell me

Don’t tell me

Don’t tell me

And I won’t tell you that you have no idea…..

Let me sit in my silence

Let me lounge in my pretence

Let me walk with my shadow

Let me be, in this moment, all that I am….

Let me tell you, to not tell me…..

Author: itsjustnoteasy

Hi, I am a young at heart middle aged woman, navigating life , love and hardships like you.... I love to write, about anything and everything. I like to also write poetry. I love people , people watching, travelling, exploring and learning. Having enjoyed empty nest for a couple of years, it's time to get more selfish, more relaxed, more adventurous as I slide into my next decade... Looking forward to see what each new day brings...