Love is a choice….. right?

Its easy to love when all is going smoothly. When expectation is met with desired result…but when things get rough, love can be tested and then love becomes a choice……

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

The answer to the old question…. what is love….?

Love is many a splendid thing…. Love is that first flutter in your belly when you see someone you like, whether you are 7 or 70.

Love is cradling your baby for the first time, not knowing, really, if you will do a good enough job at being it’s mother,/father, but you do your best anyway.

love is being so tired and sleep deprived that you still put your child’s needs before yours.

love is hating your child’s tantrums and behaviours, especially when they are teenagers, but still having their back and mopping up the mess.

Love is putting on your best dress and perfume, or best shirt and after shave and being on time and showing up for him/her.

Love is being so consumed with their wants and needs, you put yours on the back burner.

Love is allowing someone to say how they feel and not trying to negate or trivialize what they are saying.

love is putting yourself in their shoes.

love is patience, and patient.

love isn’t stagnant

love is holding yourself together, even when you are falling apart, and doing for others.

love is standing back, so someone more in need, can go first.

love is taking a minute to decide if your want/need can wait.

love is praying for loved ones and praying for strength to help you through difficult times.

love is letting go.

love is forgiveness.

love is a choice

love is learning to swallow down hurtful words and not allow it to penetrate.

love is picking yourself up, dusting yourself down and taking one step at a time.

Love is not always patient, not always kind and love is sometimes arrogant and rude and hurtful

because love comes in many disguises, depending of how safe love feels in the hands of the beholder and how wounded or lost the injured are

love endures, love lingers and love is not easily broken…….because love, is a choice…….

Love is both delightful and a curse, but love is love, and love is what drives our soul, our essence, our purpose.

When all else fail….. chose love.