
List 10 things you know to be absolutely certain.

1. My birth date… I didn’t choose to be born but I’m certain I have choices in how I live.

2. One day I will die, of that I am certain… I just hope it’s a long long way off and i hope its natural causes!

3. I am certain I could have done much better in school and college if i had studied more, but I was always happy to just pass… Life has to have balance…. And i’m happy to be average….

4. I am cerain that night will follow day just as sure that we will experience good times and bad times…. There’s no stopping it.

5. I’m certain that no one knows everything…. Even if they think they do. There’s an infinite amount of things to know and learn and that’s marvellous.

6. I’m certain of the love and commitment I have for my family. It doesn’t stop me however, taking time to still be ‘me’ .

7. Im certain that wars are rooted in mans power and greed.

8. I’m certain that I can only live and experience my life, no body elses.

9. Im certain that little things bring me joy.. A beautiful flower in a garden. A walk in the forest. The sound and sight of the sea. The taste of sweetness, the feel of my gran children’s arms around me and the sight of people being kind and compassionate.

10. I’m certain that I am uncertain about how today will end and about the future but, I am certain I will face and embrace it….


What do you think gets better with age?

Some are born with more than others, but I feel, as we age we grow more wise.

A poem I wrote a while back for young girls/women is, I think, an example of wisdom.

This Body…

Don’t be fooled by this body
so slim and so lean
Caressing the contours
Having boys wet dreams
These arms are so strong
Though feeble they look
And the breasts are more
Worthy, than for you just to suck
These legs are so shapely, smooth and long
But will only be open for who I say, belong

Do not assume that it’s yours for the taking
This body of mine, took years in the making
It stretched and it grew, filled out and amazed
the strength that it carried in the blood and the veins
This body of mine one day will grow old
The breasts you desire will sag I am told
The legs long and shapely, may fill more with fat
I cannot be fairer or clearer than that

So do not be fooled by this body of mine
Instead you must love what is there in my mind
For there you will find the truth, I confess
The sexy, the funny, the intelligent prowess
My mind is the thing you must first desire
For my body will only, set yours on fire
And too, one day yours will fail to perform
So for me I make sure, it is you I adore
The body is nothing but bones and mere flesh
But the mind you see is where we become enmeshed
A wondrous source of beauty and wit
It’s here where the fire of desire should be lit
For it will grow sharper and lead us the way
To a future together in all that we say
The body of course, will bring pleasure and joy
But do not be fooled or distracted, dear boy
If you’re up for the challenge, then of course let’s begin
Soon we will know which one shall win
The pressure is on, you must decide
But do not no fear, there is no place to hide

©️ Caroline S. T


What are you most worried about for the future?

I need to live, healthily to the age of 100 at least!

I am very easily bored and very curious… This combination gives me ants in my pants…

What worries me most, apart from the usual health and safety of family, is that I won’t live long enough to see and do all the things I do not yet know exactly what it is that I want to see and do…. I just know i dont want to stand still….

I want to taste food I’ve never heard of… Walk paths I’ve never trodden, see sunsets and sunrises in places I only dream of.

I want to not sit still, or be tamed or claimed and walk freely, unburdened and grateful for the blessing of each new day.

I want to hear the genuine laughter of the people who think themselves poor. Who have nothing but hope and love to give. I want to dance barefoot with them in the sand and let them understand that they are richer than the richest people who measure their wealth by the material things they own and by the size of their bank balance……

My fear for the future is that life passes me by…..

Humble pie…

What’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten?

The most delicious thing I have ever eaten was a variety of tastes from all the members of my family, that was sat around the table, each vying for attention, giving their opinions and each throwing in their two penneth worth and showing me how to eat my humble pie, listen, apologise and learn from my own mistakes….

This is when I knew for sure that they knew they had freedom to express their feelings and views…. Mother is not always right, even if her heart is in the right place….

Author: itsjustnoteasy


Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.

Not like Christopher Columbas but I love to go exploring.

I love to discover new places, new faces and new souls, just like Anais nin.

I love to walk in a park or in the countryside. Or walk along a coastal path and hear the sea lapping on the sand.

I love to tramp a forest floor amongst the trees the ferns and bluebells, and hear the wild, the gentle, and all the quiet sounds.

I love to walk into a garden lush with a profusion of blooms. The scents and aromas of plants I cannot even pronounce.

I love to try new things to do and discover the art of it as it unfolds… And especially do the things so freely, not what i am told……


What is one question you hate to be asked? Explain.

One question I hate to be asked is ‘yeah, but who’s your favourite’? I’ve been asked that over the years regarding my children and grandchildren….my answer is always and will always be the same, ‘I don’t have a favourite’.

I can be asked until the cows come home and I still would not, could not, answer the question.

The thing is all my children and all my grandchildren share the same amount of love I carry for them in my heart.

Now, when it comes to all their individual behaviours, quirks, attitudes etc, that denotes how I ‘respond and react’ to them. It does not denote how deeply I love them. If they, or anyone else, has a different opinion on ‘who MY favourite is’, then that is a matter of conjecture and not a matter of fact.

We are all very unique. Possess very different sets of skills, patience, tolerances, resilliences, etc and I guess we all bob along best we can, but as for favourites…..

There is no favourite person only my favourite chocolate bar, or my favourite food, favourite book, favourite movie, favourite destination etc. Even then, it does not always remain the same, it changes.

So as to my children and grandchildren, they are all one of my favourite people on the planet…..

Now I must dash, my favourite dinner is ready!